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AOMEI Backupper Pro 3.5 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — AOMEI Backupper Pro 3.5

AOMEI Backupper Pro is een gebruikersvriendelijk back-upprogramma voor Windows.
Waarderingscijfer: 276 10 reacties

AOMEI Backupper Pro 3.5 werd aangeboden als een giveaway op 22 oktober 2016

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AOMEI Backupper is een gemakkelijke en veilige alles-in-één Windows back-up en kloon software. Het combineert een reeks handige tools voor het beschermen van je data en systeem.

Belangrijkste features:

  • Systeem, harde schijf, partitie, bestanden en mappen back-up en herstel. Bestandssynchronisatie;
  • Volledige, incrementele, differentiële, gebeurtenis geactiveerde planning en automatische back-ups;
  • Universeel herstel, selectief herstel, herstellen van bootable media;
  • Klonen van schijven en partities voor upgraden HDD of overdragen OS;
  • Mounten, comprimeren, splitsen, versleutelen en checken back-up images;
  • E-mail notificaties, logbestanden bekijken en export/import back-uptaken;
  • Meer features…

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Windows 10/ 8.1/ 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP (x32/x64); CPU: Intel Pentium or compatible, 500MHz or faster processor; RAM: 256MB or greater; CD-RW/DVD-RW drive for bootable media creation


Aomei Technology



85.5 MB



Reactie op AOMEI Backupper Pro 3.5

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"AOMEI Backupper Pro 3.5"

Vandaag een Setup met een kleine taalkeuze, geen Nederlands, met het invoeren van de code uit de Readme:
Aan het einde van de installatie wordt er contact gevraagd met het internet:
Het programma heeft een splashscreen:
En er is een vraag voor contact met het internet:
De registratie; de knop verdwijnt na een succesvolle registratie:
En het hoofdscherm:
en de andere hoofdschermen:
Een back-up instellen; er zijn ook options en een schema:
In deze test is de back-up mislukt, omdat er te weinig ruimte was op de locale schijf. Beter is om de back-up op een andere schijf te zetten en deze buiten het gebouw te bewaren. Of in de cloud, maar zet er dan wel een beveiliging erop.
Gelijk hierna werd er contact gezocht met het internet met een ander IP-nummer:
En het hoofdscherm, na een back-up:

Reageren   |   Ootje  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+14)

Thnx voor de moeite; ik zal er morgen naar kijken.(nu reeds opgehaald)
Vrienden lezen liever Nederlands dan een andere taal.

Reageren   |   Ootje  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (-1)

Ik heb in CFG.ini in du.txt veranderd; dan zijn alle andere talen nog activeerbaar.
Ziet er wel goed uit; nog niet alle schermen bekeken.

Reageren   |   Ootje  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (-1)

Ik krijg het programma niet geïnstalleerd.
Na het downloaden en vervolgens uitpakken doe ik setup.
Maar meer dan het schermpje met de Giveaway code en de boodschap dat die (wel) goed is geïnstalleerd, krijg ik niet !

Iemand een idee?
Vrgr, Cees

Reageren   |   Cees  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (0)

Hier wat meer info over dit programma.

de trial is te registreren met de info uit de readme, vandaag wel doen en regdata vastleggen voor alle zekerheid.
@ Bob, je NL vertaling heeft zoals je zelf gezien hebt wat schoonheidsfoutjes , positionering o.a. bij de programma-titel maar da's peanuts tov gemak, heb het wel cn genoemd ipv fr uit je beschrijving kies dan voor simplified chinese of correct nederlands :-)


Reageren   |   lidl1  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+2)

Iets gewijzigde methode vertaling:

Reageren   |   lidl1  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+5)

Programma accepteert de gegeven licentie code niet!?

Reageren   |   HP  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+1)

Hoe goed ik de software ook vind, ik krijg hier, net als zovelen aan de US kant ook "invalid license code".

Reageren   |   Ratel  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+1)

Al vele jaren een gratis juweeltje, en er zijn in de loop van de tijd vele nuttige dingen bijgekomen. Het automatisch splitten en gebruik maken van encryptie bij backup, het verkennen en terughalen van losse bestanden vanuit een image (netjes gemount als virtuele drive), het is één van de eerste programma´s die ik op een computer zet.

Reageren   |   Ratel  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+4)

Gebruik dit programma al enkele jaren naar volle tevredenheid, en het heeft mij al verschillende van disaster gevrijwaard.. als ik kon zou ik het een 10 geven!

Reageren   |   Fred  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+2)
Top Engelstalige reacties

Dear users,

as the registration problem was fixed on the developer's side, we prolong the Giveaway.

We are really sorry for the inconvenience,
GOTD team

Helen  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+92)

Everyone should have a recent backup of their computer, and everyone should regularly backup their computer. These two statements may seem identical, but so few people do #2, means #1 isn't possible. Most people leave it "until later" or don't do it "as its too difficult", which is (obviously) bad.

Some people back up their documents or photos, but not many people back up their operating system. Its actually very important, as (especially with the newer versions of Windows) updates applied automatically can sometimes make the machine unbootable. Modern hard drives, while having the technology to store oodles of documents and photos, are still mechanical (yes, apart from SSDs) and do break down. Only recently I went to turn on a machine and instead of a gentle whirrrrrr, it clicked and didn't start. Dead drive.

Software like Aomei Backupper take a backup of the whole drive as an image, so that it can be restored on a fresh, blank hard drive. The restored image is a perfect copy of your working system - all the programs installed, registered, documents in their right place, etc. Excellent. Having a backup of just your documents would mean you'd have to reinstall the operating system, office applications, register them, set up the settings again, etc.

So a quick review of the software. Aomei Backupper has a very simple tabbed interface, with most options having 'Next' and 'Back' buttons like a wizard. There is a lot of power within the options.

There are three types of backup - full, differential and incremental. A full backup backs up everything. A differential backs up everything since the last full backup, and an incremental backs up everything since the last incremental or differential backup. This means if you backup (for example) weekly, a differential backup will be a lot smaller and quicker than doing a full backup. A common approach is to do a full backup monthly and a differential weekly. Aomei Backupper helps greatly by having a schedular option - set it and forget it.

A physical disk can contain multiple partitions, which Windows sees as separate drive letters. A common approach is to have Windows on a C partition and all documents and large files on a separate D partition. This means you can image the C partition (and the necessary hidden system partition) of your system without backing up your iTunes music, large movies, etc. These can be backed up separately. Aomei Backupper supports backing up physical drives (so everything), individual partitions and even individual files and folders. This means Aomei Backupper is your complete backup solution. You don't need to use one program to image your drive and another program to backup files and documents.

Restoring an image is easy too. You can either restore from within Windows (if you're restoring a non-system partition) or you can boot from bootable media to restore from a 'bare metal' backup. This is obviously useful if Windows cannot boot. Aomei Backupper supports storing image files on additional USB sticks and network storage areas. Some software, once booted from USB, cannot see other USB media, or provide network card drivers / provide DHCP support so your machine can actually see the rest of your network. Aomei Backupper does both.

I feel like I'm in one of those infomercials now.... "but thats not all....."
Aomei Backupper has several more handy utilities. Aomei Backupper supports restoring to different hardware. This means you can back up your old laptop (the one with all your programs installed on it), buy a shiny new one, and then restore your old laptop onto the new laptop. usually this doesn't work as the new laptop has completely different hardware and drivers. Aomei backupper takes care of this, allowing Windows to boot so you can then install the correct drivers. Maybe of not much use to general users, but this can be used in the corporate world for creating virtual machines of physical machines and vice versa.

Aomei Backupper supports cloning of disks. So if a laptop has an old spinny spinny hard drive, you can plug in a new SSD (even via a USB adapter) and 'copy paste' between the two, without creating an image first, then restoring it on the new drive - so cutting the time to do this in half.

You can explore backed up images within Explorer. So if you backed up a machine, you don't have to restore it to simply pull off a file that was on the desktop, or recover a directory - simply open the image which opens it in Explorer like a drive. Copy and paste like any other drive. You can't paste into the image but you can copy from it, so images aren't easily updatable 'manually', but thats not how image files should be anyway.

Maybe not another tool for general home owners, but certainly an impressive inclusion is the PXE Boot Server. This works for all ISO files, not just the Aomei Backupper boot disk, which is actually worth money in itself! An .ISO file is an image of a CD or DVD, which can also be bootable. You can 'load' this in Aomei Backupper, so that if you boot another PC (connected to the same network) it will boot from this loaded .ISO file. Many utilities (memory checkers, BIOS updates, hard drive checkers, etc) come on .ISO format, which a lot of people burn to CD or even create bootable USB flash drives. If you haven't got a spare USB flash drive you can simply use the PXE Boot Server to 'host' your ISO file. Some older laptops don't support booting from USB media - they didn't have the option - but most allow booting from the network.

Lastly, reliability. I've personally used many image creation software in the past - Ghost, Macrium Reflect, GParted, even CloneZilla, but Aomei Backupper is the one that hasn't let me down. Nothing worse than going to your restored image, thinking, "thank goodness I had a backup!" to get "Error 42." or "Bad image - cannot restore". The only 'gotcha' that isn't mentioned is that before backing up your drive, its best to do a defrag first - while Aomei Backupper won't moan when it *creates* the image, it will when it tries to *restore* it. If its too defragmented, then it cannot restore it. Thats a great failing. Its an easy fix, but you have to know about it first. Well, at least now after reading this you know...

The suprising thing about Aomei Backupper is that all the above is in the free version. The only inclusion of the Pro version is command line scripting. ( The Pro does have file backup management (deletes old backups) but I personally find it safer to handle this myself. Nothing worse than wanting to go back to a backup you made 6 months ago to find Aomei Backupper deleted it... Aaaaaargh! ;)
The other extra is merging backups, so a chain of differentials can be merged with the full backup to create a fresh 'master', saving space. However, again, I get a bit nervous when software fiddles with a known working image and merges stuff into it ... what happens if it crashes half way? Do I do backups of the backups just in case?! No, thats more stress than I need...
I haven't mentioned email notifications, encryption, compression, file splitting, intelligent sector backups (so if you backup your 200 GB hard drive which has 30 GB of data, Aomei will only backup the 30 GB of data .. which would compress down to 20 GB - it won't create a 200 GB image) or VSS support (so you can backup Windows while Windows is running).

So in summary. More people should do backups, and more people should use Aomei Backupper. Don't panic if you don't get todays offering, as the free version gives you more toys than you probably need, but just ensure you install at least *something*. Doing a backup is far easier than you think - click on 'Backup', 'System Backup', confirm the location and click 'Start Backup' - all done within 30 seconds.

Chris Locke (CS Computer Services)  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+59)

Dear users,

We are really sorry for the inconvenience caused by the invalid license code. We have reactivated the license code

If GOTD agrees to prolong the campaign for another 24hrs, so do we.

By the way, to make a large batch of computers restoration much easier and more rapid, we just released a free image deployment software - AOMEI Image Deploy which is associated with AOMEI Backupper. It allows you to simultaneously deploy a system image or disk image created by AOMEI Backupper to multiple computers in the same network.

Notes: The license code is valid from today to Oct 24, 2016, please activate AOMEI Backupper Pro 3.5 as soon as possible.

Have a happy weekend!

Best regards,
AOMEI Technology

AOMEI Technology  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+43)

Been using version 2.5 to backup my system drive (C), a good job too, when uninstalling a program things went very wrong and it removed nearly all my main files on my C drive.
Fortunately the backup recovery went perfectly and within a very short time things were back to normal.
A first rate program that is easy-to-use, so if you need a backup program I recommend you get today's download.

McGregor  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+27)

For disk/partition image backups, AOMEI Backupper works, but so do most of the popular alternatives like EaseUS, Paragon, Acronis etc. It's not normally portable since it installs & uses drivers -- there's a 2nd copy of the program in the Winpe64 [for 64 bit] folder that used to work portably, but didn't in the 3.2 version I have now. To use it portably rather than for or with a bootable disc/USB stick, you used to have to activate that copy same as the regular app.

AOMEI Backupper provides disk/partition image backup, which amounts to copying the raw data on the storage drive or media to an archive -- maybe think of it as an ISO for hard drives rather than optical discs. It also does file backup, which isn't much different than selecting a folder or folders & creating a zip file, but when I tested it a couple of minor versions back, using file backup for the complete system or Windows partition, Windows 10 wouldn't start after a restore.

The 2 big common problems with image backups nowadays are booting & backup storage. Current Windows devices can use UEFI or Legacy bios mode to boot the OS, or a hybrid mode with some of each. The bootable media you can create with apps like Backupper, &/or the more-or-less same files on the hard drive used when restoring or moving Windows files without bootable media, simply don't work on every device.

I have a Windows tablet with 32 bit UEFI bios, & the bootable USB stick created with Macrium Reflect Free & Paragon Backup & Recovery 16 are the only 2 that will boot the device -- I haven't tried Backupper 3.5 yet. Paragon's giving away their new B & R 16 till sometime in November, but it seems a bit buggy, & creating a backup image after booting to their USB stick takes 3 or 4X longer than with Macrium Reflect Free. Generally it takes a minor version update for Paragon to work all the kinks out, & they haven't done that yet AFAIK. Paragon does look for you to install a at least minimal version of the ADK from Microsoft, rather than download a full or partial copy from inside the app -- Macrium Reflect Free does a partial download, uses what it needs, & deletes most of the download to save disk space.

That's Not to say don't use AOMEI Backupper -- just test that it works for you before you rely on it.

The 2nd common problem is backup storage... a USB external drive may or may not work, or work reliably to move all the data in a full backup at a steady, high data rate. It's bad enough that for biz they recommend Not using USB external drives at all. If you must use a USB drive, you need active cooling plus reliable electronics. Loads of reviews should give you an idea of the reliability. For cooling look for an external housing with a fan or fans, or simply use a drive dock with a small desk fan blowing on the drive. In theory writing backup data to Blu-ray discs should work, & work well, but read the reports & reviews re: reliability -- the failure rate of writable discs, sometimes after just weeks, is terribly high.

The fastest, most convenient backup storage is a separate internal hard drive. The best safeguard against ransomware is to store backups on a drive that's disconnected once all the backup data has been transferred to it. That's because if you can see the backup data, be it via USB or on your network or in the cloud, so can ransomware, & it will seek those backups out to encrypt them. And since a ransomware infection isn't immediately apparent -- it takes time before you're locked out -- cycling between external drives may not be a bad thing... if ransomware managed to get on the drive with your latest backup, hopefully the prior backup on another drive is clean. You can use the same sort of strategy for your stuff in the cloud.

Finally, Backupper has a neat sounding feature advertised as a portable version of Windows or Windows To Go. It *may* work now with v.3.5, but it used to be a bit iffy & require the Enterprise version of Windows. While regular Windows 10 will work installed to a USB device or VHD, installation adds device specific drivers -- connected to another device, if it boots [& it won't always], it'll add new drivers for that device. If you want a portable, minimal version of Windows with a desktop, check out reboot[.]pro.

mike  –  8 years ago  –  Vond je deze reactie nuttig? ja | nee (+22)

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